Introducing Alabama’s One Health Record® App!

eSante MyHealth

Managing your health care just got easier.

Get the information you need, when you need it, and stay informed and connected from wherever you are.

Download Alabama's One Health Record® app to your mobile device today.

Search for  “eSante MyHealth”  in your App Store.

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The Alabama One Health Record® app is easy to use and has convenient features that always put you within reach of your health care.

Here are just a few of the things you can do from the convenience of your cell phone or other mobile device:

• View your official lab test results.

• View your claims (Medicaid Recipients Only).

• View health information for your dependents (Medicaid Recipients Only).

• Find a doctor in the provider directory.

• Manage profile preferences.

• Manage and reset your password.

• Find links to helpful information.

To Keep Your Health Information Private and Secure

There are laws that protect the privacy of your health information held by those who provide your health care services. But as it becomes easier to get and share your own health information online, you need to take steps to protect it. This applies whether you are downloading a copy of your health information via this app, emailing your doctor, taking an online health survey, or using a variety of digital apps or devices to monitor your health. To learn more about protecting your information, visit

For additional information and resources on HIPAA privacy, visit the Office for Civil Rights website at